Water-cooled computer assembly at HYPERPC

Water-cooled computer assembly at HYPERPC

Water-cooled computers

This is where all our CONCEPT series computers are born. They are overseen by specialists with extensive experience in creating such systems.

Design and assembly

The entire assembly process takes place here. After the computer design is completed, the master prepares all components: installing fans on radiators, water blocks on all components, etc.

Afterwards, all the components are installed in the computer case, and the master begins designing and assembling the water cooling system. This process can take several days, especially if the cooling system is dual-circuit or a compact case is being assembled.

Setup and testing

The master must not only design/assemble the entire computer from start to finish, but also carry out its setup and testing. Such complex and expensive PCs require a special approach.

Photos of assembling exclusive computers at HYPERPC

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