128GB Corsair VENGEANCE Black [DDR5, 5600MHz, 4x32GB]

128GB Corsair VENGEANCE Black [DDR5, 5600MHz, 4x32GB]


CORSAIR VENGEANCE DDR5, optimized for Intel® motherboards, delivers higher frequencies and greater capacities of DDR5 technology in a high-quality, compact module that suits your system.

128GB Corsair VENGEANCE Black [DDR5, 5600MHz, 4x32GB]

128GB Corsair VENGEANCE Black [DDR5, 5600MHz, 4x32GB] specs

General characteristics
Type of memory (RAM) DDR5
ECC Support no
XMP support yes
Memory capacity 128 GB
Memory frequency 5600 MHz
CAS Latency 40
RAS to CAS Delay 40
Row Precharge Delay 40
Activate to Precharge Delay 77
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