ROG Delta S gaming headset delivers impeccably clear, detailed audio to give serious gamers the edge to win. It features industry-leading, hi-fi-grade ESS 9281 with QUAD DAC™ technology and the ASUS AI Noise-Canceling Microphone. At a total weight of just 300 grams, and with ergonomic D-shaped ROG Hybrid ear cushions, ROG Delta S offers unmatched comfort during extended gaming sessions. Its USB-C® connector allows you to play on your PC and then jump to your gaming console or mobile device without having to change headsets.
General characteristics | |
Frequency response | 20 - 20000 Hz |
Impedance | 32 Om |
Microphone | |
Noise canceling microphone | yes |
Microphone sensitivity | - 37 dB |
Frequency response | 100-10000 Hz |
Mute the microphone | yes |
Microphone directivity | directed |
Design | |
Membrane diameter | 50 mm |
Headphone connection | |
Connection type | with wire |
Form connector | Straight |
Gold plated connectors | yes |
Lenght cable | 1.5 m |
Volume control | yes |
Additionally | |
Weight | 310 g |